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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: A cilia-bound unconventional secretory pathway for Drosophila odorant receptors

Fig. 1

Or22a puncta are observed at stereotypical sites and do not significantly overlap with ERGIC-53 or Golgi. A Or22a puncta typically manifest as a singular, large structure at the cell body exit of the soma (blue arrowheads) or multiples of two to four (yellow arrowheads) prior to the cilia base, here marked by 21a6. Accompanying graphs show the percentage of Or22a OSNs with puncta (for each, n = 15 antennas) or the average puncta sizes in either the soma (n = 102 puncta) or dendrite (n = 221 puncta). B Or22a puncta do not co-localize with NompB, the Drosophila homolog of the cilia transport protein IFT88. C, D Or22a puncta also show no significant association to proteins of conventional transport organelles, i.e., ERGIC-53 (C, n = 31) or Golgi (D, n = 33) structures, where n represents the total number of puncta analyzed. Inset are dual-channel counterparts of split images. The GFP-tagged proteins are in green; Or22a is in magenta. E A simplified representation of Or22a puncta transport within its OSN. Not drawn to scale

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