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Figure 2 | BMC Biology

Figure 2

From: Variable recombination dynamics during the emergence, transmission and ‘disarming’ of a multidrug-resistant pneumococcal clone

Figure 2

Comparison of integrative and conjugative elements (ICE) identified in the collection. Eight examples of composite Tn5253-type ICE found in the collection are aligned: ICESp6BST273, found in PMEN22, ICESp6BST90, found in PMEN2 (examples modified by the integration of macrolide resistance cassettes are included), and four ICE representing the diversity found in the outgroup. Red bands indicate BLAT matches between sequences in the same orientation and blue twisted bands indicate BLAT matches between sequences in opposite orientations. In both cases, the intensity of the colour indicates the strength of the match. Protein coding sequences (CDSs) are indicated by pink boxes, except those encoding antibiotic resistance determinants, which are coloured dark blue. The vertical position above or below the central line indicates whether the CDS is encoded on the forward or reverse strand of the sequence. The tetM tetracycline resistance gene, found within the Tn916-type elements, is marked at the top and bottom of the alignment. The ermB macrolide resistance gene is found within Tn917 cassettes (boxed in purple throughout the alignment) or Omega cassettes (boxed in green throughout the alignment). The cat chloramphenicol acetyltransferase is carried on the linearized pC194 plasmid, indicated by blue boxes on the annotation. BLAT, BLAST-like alignment tool.

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