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Figure 1 | BMC Biology

Figure 1

From: Identification of the Weevil immune genes and their expression in the bacteriome tissue

Figure 1

Schematic representations of putative Sitophilus zeamais proteins with similarity to antibacterial peptides, lysozymes, PGRP and Tollip. For each gene, the whole cDNA sequence was obtained from the corresponding EST by RACE-PCR and was then confirmed by whole cDNA amplification and sequencing. For each cDNA, ORF was predicted using the MacMolly software package. The top scale shows the length of the various domains of the proteins (aa, amino acid). Black regions indicate the predicted signal peptide (TargetP) and gray regions the putative propeptide domain according to the conserved R-x-(K/R)-R motif. mcs: minimal cleavage site corresponding to an R-x-x-R motif with an additional arginine in P6 position, which may enhance cleavage. Regions with similarity to conserved domains detected by InterProScan are indicated as hatched regions with the associated E-value. Coleoptericin, IPR009382; Defensin, IPR001542; Kunitz, IPR002223; Lysozyme, IPR000974; Destabilase, IPR008597; PGRP, IPR002502; C2, IPR000008; CUE, IPR003892. The accession numbers of the complete coding sequences are: INF-18, EU282111; INF-145, EU282117; INF-42, EU282112; INF-163, EU282118; INF-165, EU282113; INF-479, EU282119; INF-217, EU282115; INF-282, EU282114; INF-152, EU282120; INF-441, EU282121; INF-9, EU282122; INF-359, EU282116.

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