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Figure 4 | BMC Biology

Figure 4

From: A genome-wide synthetic dosage lethality screen reveals multiple pathways that require the functioning of ubiquitin-binding proteins Rad23 and Dsk2

Figure 4

Ubiquitin and the proteasome are involved in Kre22 and YLL030C degradation. (A-B) Kre22 and YLL030C are degraded by the proteasome. Wild-type yeast cells expressing Kre22 or YLL030C were treated with or without the proteasome inhibitor MG132. To facilitate the uptake of MG132 by wild-type yeast cells, we used L-proline as the nitrogen source in the growth medium and added a small amount of SDS (0.003%). (C) Kre22 and YLL030C are ubiquitylated. GST- and His6-tagged substrates were co-transformed with Ha-tagged Ub into wild-type or rad23 dsk2 mutant cells. Kre22 or YLL030C was precipitated with GST beads and analyzed by immunoblotting first with anti-Ha antibody and later anti-His6 antibody. Ubiquitylated and non-ubiquitylated Kre22 and YLL030C proteins are indicated on two sides of the upper panel. Rpt5 (bottom panel) is used as a loading control.

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