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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Sequencing strategies and characterization of 721 vervet monkey genomes for future genetic analyses of medically relevant traits

Fig. 1

Using the variant data from the WGS of the trio shown on the left, we evaluated three different down-sampling schemes, drawn on the right, to determine a pedigree-wide strategy for selecting monkeys for medium (4X) or low (1X) sequencing coverage. a The frequency of Mendelian errors in a trio increases in all three down-sampling experiments compared to the original data; however, the increase in error rate is greatest when both parents are low coverage and the child is medium coverage. b The percentage of concordant genotype calls between original data and down-sampled data is lowest when both parents are low coverage and the child is medium coverage. The percentages shown for both the rate of Mendelian inconsistency and for genotype concordance represent averages over three down-sampling experiments

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