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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: Genome-wide replication landscape of Candida glabrata

Fig. 7

Chromatin organization of C. glabrata exponentially growing cells. a Normalized genomic contact matrix obtained from an asynchronous growing population. The 13 chromosomes are indicated on the x axis. The color scale on the right indicates the frequency of interactions between two regions of the genome (blue rare contacts; white frequent contacts; red very frequent contacts; exponential scale). Red arrowheads centromere clustering. Yellow arrowheads telomere contacts. b Colocalization Score (CS) for DNA regions of interest. The CS is the mean of measured contacts between DNA regions. The boxplots represent the distribution of CS expected by chance, obtained with 1,000 randomized sets of positions (keeping overall chromosomal distribution), whereas the red dot corresponds to the CS of each group of interest (Megasatellites, ARSs, early and late origins). Statistical significance of colocalization is attained when the red dot lies above the random group distribution (p-value < 0.001). c Nucleosomal organization at bona fide origins. Nucleosome signals 800 bp upstream and downstream of bona fide origins were aligned (top), the color code representing nucleosome density (blue low density; red high density). The bottom curve represents the average value of nucleosome density. Regular nucleosome spacing is observed, with a large depletion at replication origins (red arrow). Note that ACS positions (instead of ARS/origins positions) were used, to increase resolution. d Nucleosomal organization at all ARSs. Nucleosome density around all ACS positions were determined and also show a significant depletion. ACS ARS consensus sequence, ARS autonomously replicating sequence

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