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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: Insect odorant receptor trafficking requires calmodulin

Fig. 7

CaM knock-down reduces dendritic Orco in an activity-dependent manner. a The ab3A outer dendrites of [UAS-Dcr-2/+ (X); UAS-mCherry::Orco WT /+ (II); Or22a-GAL4, Orco 1 (III)] control flies show normal Orco localization, as determined by visualizing mCherry. b The ab3A outer dendrites of [UAS-Dcr-2/+ (X); UAS-mCherry::Orco WT /UAS-CaM-IR (II); Or22a-GAL4, Orco 1 (III)] flies show only a slight reduction in Orco when they are maintained for 7 days on normal food. c, d Identical flies as in (a) and (b) maintained for 7 days in food vials with a perforated tube containing 10 % ethyl butyrate. c Long-term odorant exposure significantly reduces outer dendritic Orco in control flies. d Combining long-term odorant exposure with CaM knock-down nearly eliminates Orco in the outer dendrites of ab3A OSNs. The color of all images is inverted to improve outer dendrite visibility. All scale bars, 10 μm. CaM calmodulin, EB ethyl butyrate

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