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Fig. 5. | BMC Biology

Fig. 5.

From: Retargeting azithromycin analogues to have dual-modality antimalarial activity

Fig. 5.

Activity of azithromycin analogues against artemisinin-resistant parasites. Lead azithromycin analogues were tested against artemisinin-resistant Cam3.IIDHA resistant(R539T) parasites containing the K13 propeller mutation and reverted, artemisinin-sensitive, Cam3.IIsensitive parasites in ring-stage survival assays (4 hr drug pulse of very early rings 0–3 hrs post invasion) prior to washing off drug and assessment of parasitaemia (66 hrs later by flow cytometry). Dihydroartemisinin (DHA), azithromycin, GSK-3 (naphthalene), GSK-5 (substituted phenyl), GSK-56 (chloroquinoline) and GSK-71 (quinoline). Parasitemia was measured via flow cytometry ~ 72 hrs post-invasion. Data represents the mean of 2 or more experiments expressed as a percentage of non-inhibitory control and error bars represent ± SEM. Repeat measure data is available in Additional file 15 Supporting Value Data

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