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Fig. 3. | BMC Biology

Fig. 3.

From: Native-like membrane models of E. coli polar lipid extract shed light on the importance of lipid composition complexity

Fig. 3.

Lipid diffusion. Lipid self-diffusion coefficients at different temperatures for all membrane models (left column) and the average activation energies of lipid self-diffusion (barplot on the right). Results at AA resolution are in the top row and at CG resolution in the bottom row. The magenta-framed gray areas show the span of experimentally determined diffusion coefficients by Jin et al. [88] and Lindlom et al. [52], the magenta bar in the barplots visualizes the experimental activation energy of lipid self-diffusion determined by Lindlom et al. [52]. In the middle, the self-diffusion coefficients of each lipid type in the Avanti models are color coded and denoted by a single dot each. For lipid type resolution of the Simple models see Additional file 1: Fig. S11. The R’s Beeswarm function [86] was used to create one dimensional scatter plots for each temperature

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