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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: Single-cell resolution landscape of equine peripheral blood mononuclear cells reveals diverse cell types including T-bet+ B cells

Fig. 6

The CD3+PRF1− clusters include naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and additional CD4+ T cell populations. Clusters within the CD3+PRF1− lymphocyte major cell group were further analyzed and annotated by differential gene expression. a UMAP subset of CD3+PRF1− lymphocyte clusters (left) and of re-clustering analysis with putative cluster annotations (right). Selected axis ranges excluded < 10 cells in CD3+PRF1− group from the UMAP subset plot. b Frequency of each cell cluster within the CD3+PRF1− lymphocyte group per horse. c Expression patterns for genes characteristic of CD4/CD8 T cell subsets, naïve T cell populations (CCR7, SELL, LEF1), and a distinct CD3+CD4−CD8−CD200+ lymphocyte population (CD200, UBA2C). Expression values are scaled independently for each plot, ranging from 2.5 to 97.5 percentile of gene expression across all CD3+PRF1− cells. Gene ID ENSECAG00000000775 labeled as CD8B based on Ensembl/NCBI annotation

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