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Fig. 2 | BMC Biology

Fig. 2

From: Astrocytes in CA1 modulate schema establishment in the hippocampal-cortical neuron network

Fig. 2

The feature of CA1-ACC interaction during the development and establishment of memory schema. A Schematic of the fiber photometry setup and rat moving free in PA arena. B Rats received saline i.p. 30 min before each task and fiber photometry recording. C Schematic of CA1-ACC projecting neurons experiment: AAV2-retro-CaMKII-Cre was injected into the ACC, and AAV2/9-ef1α-DIO–jGCaMp7s together with AAV8-GFAP-hM4Di–mCherry were injected into the CA1; scale bar, 50 µm. D Heatmap of CA1-ACC projecting neurons Ca2+ signals transient (ΔF/F%) for individual rat during session 1 to 18 OPA training, PT3 and NPA training. Column, the typical trial from each session during session 1–18, PT3 and NPA session. Row, time of rat behavior, start from entering PA arena and end at back to the start box. Gradient of heatmap, −5–10% (ΔF/F%). E The average Ca2+ signals (ΔF/F%) of CA1-ACC projecting neurons in session 1–18 OPA training and session 19 NPA training (n= 3 rats, trials= 6). F Summary plot of averaged Ca2+ signals (E) in sessions 1, 10, 16, PT3 and NPA. G Schematic of ACC neurons experiment: AAV9-Syn-jGCaMp7s was injected into ACC, and AAV8-GFAP-hM4Di–mCherry were injected into the CA1; scale bar, 1mm and 100 µm. H The heatmap of ACC neurons Ca2+ signals transient (ΔF/F%) for individual rat during session 1 to 18 OPA training, PT3 and NPA training. Column, the typical trial from each session during sessions 1–18, PT3 and NPA session. Row, time of rat behavior, start from entering PA arena and end at back to the start box. Gradient of heatmap, 0–6% (ΔF/F%). I The average Ca2+ signals (ΔF/F%) of ACC neurons in session 1–18 OPA training and session 19 NPA training (n= 3 rats, trials= 6). J Summary plot of averaged Ca2+ signals (I) in sessions 1, 10, 16, PT3 and NPA. Lines connect data collected from the same rat of same trial. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM, *p<0.05. # p<0.05, ##p<0.01, ns p>0.05

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