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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: The BAF chromatin remodeling complex licenses planarian stem cells access to ectodermal and mesodermal cell fates

Fig. 1

brg1 and smarcc2 are expressed in stem cells and are required for tissue turnover and regeneration. A Schematic of putative planarian BAF complex based on homology with human BAF. Two protein products of smarcc2 (BAF170) are predicted to be incorporated into a functional complex. The core components smarcc2 and brg1 are colored. The protein product of pb1 (BAF180) is exclusively incorporated into polybromo BAF (pBAF) rather than canonical BAF (light gray). Gene and protein names are included on diagram unless the names are the same. Adapted from [70]. B WISH of BAF core components in wildtype planarians imaged dorsally. Scale bars, 200µm. C FISH showing brg1 or smarcc2 expression with α-PIWI-1 (neoblasts and post-mitotic immediate progenitors). Quantifications are mean \(\pm\) 1 S.D., n >8 (each “n” is a representative region from 1 planarian). Scale bars, 50µm. D Planarian brg1 and smarcc2 expression in FACS-isolated X1s (neoblasts), X2s (G0/G1 neoblasts and immediate progeny), and irradiated (differentiated tissues) cell fractions determined using bulk RNAseq [44, 48]. RPM, reads per million mapped reads. E tSNE representation of single-cell RNA sequencing of whole worm (left) and piwi-1+ cells (neoblasts) only (right). Plots are colored according to gene expression (red, high; blue, low) for brg1 (top panels) or smarcc2 (bottom panels). Data are from [58]. F RNAi paradigm used in experiments. Days from initiation of experiment, feed number, and timepoints are indicated (e.g., F4D3 denotes four feeds, day 3 after the fourth feed). Survival curves demonstrate 100% lethality with either three or four feeds in both brg1 and smarcc2 RNAi. G Live images of control(RNAi), brg1(RNAi), and smarcc2(RNAi) planarians. Scale bars, 200µm. H Live images and WISH for the neural marker ChAT of control(RNAi), brg1(RNAi), or smarcc2(RNAi) planarians during regeneration. Experimental timeline and amputation sites are depicted to the left of the images (n >10). Scale bars, 200µm

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