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Fig. 2 | BMC Biology

Fig. 2

From: Deep transcriptome profiling reveals limited conservation of A-to-I RNA editing in Xenopus

Fig. 2

A-to-I editing landscape across development of X. laevis. A PCA plot based on gene expression values showing segregation of our embryonic samples according to developmental stages. B Transcript levels of ADAR enzymes across development as quantified from our RNA-seq data. The ADAR expression values are provided in Additional File 2. C Global editing index measured across all repeat families in our study. D Editing index for each individual repeat family in our study. While ADAR activity was variable across the repeat families, it was consistently higher during the beginning stages of development regardless of repeat type. Fourteen annotated repeat families contained comparatively few editing events and thus were grouped together for calculation of the index. E Hierarchical clustering of editing levels. Each row is a different editing site, while each column is a different developmental stage interrogated in our study. F Many transcriptomic loci were targeted by ADARs in only a single developmental process. Top: Heatmap depicting the editing rates of these process-specific sites. Bottom: Genomic locations of the process-specific sites. G Expression heatmaps of genes containing process-specific editing sites. H Top 10 GO terms associated with each set of process-specific editing sites. Dotted line indicates the p-value threshold of 0.05. NMD refers to nonsense-mediated decay. I Venn diagrams showing the numbers of edited genes and alternatively spliced genes for each developmental process. All the overlaps between editing and splicing were greater than expected (P < 2.2e-16, hypergeometric test), with representation factors ranging from 3.9 to 4.6

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