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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: New chromosome-scale genomes provide insights into marine adaptations of sea snakes (Hydrophis: Elapidae)

Fig. 6

REVIGO multidimensional scaling (MDS) and TreeMap plots. A-C MDS plots for the Gene ontologies BP, CC and MF, respectively. The x- and y-axes represent arbitrary values for the semantic space. GO terms that are semantically similar cluster together. The colour of the circles represents the Log10(FDR) value, while the size of the circles represent the Log10 value of the number of annotations for the GO Term in the selected species in the EBI GOA database. Point labels have been coloured to match the TreeMap figures. D-F TreeMap figures generated by REVIGO. Semantically similar terms are clustered into broad categories, with the top-left term being the representative term for the group. Colours are ontology specific and do not match across ontologies

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