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Fig. 5 | BMC Biology

Fig. 5

From: Ionizing radiation responses appear incidental to desiccation responses in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga

Fig. 5

Transcriptomic response in A. vaga of genes involved in DNA repair pathways. A Number of genes coding for genes involved in DNA repair pathways: Alternative Excision Repair (Alt ER), Base Excision Repair (BER), Homologous Recombination (HR), Mismatch Repair (MR), Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER), Non-Homologous End-Joining (NHEJ), DNA Replication (REP), Cross-Pathways (Cross), Damages-DNA Repair related pathways (DDR-related). According to the level of expression (transcripts per millions (TPMs)), the number of genes is represented in different colors: TPMs < 10 (gray), 10 < TPMs < 150 (light orange), > 150 (red), > 700 (dark red). The number of genes in each expression category is represented for A. vaga hydrated controls (green) and A. vaga individuals 2.5 h post X-ray radiation and rehydration (orange). B BER pathway showing numerous genes being over-expressed (L2fc > 0.5) and some with high TPMS after desiccation and/or radiation. This figure represents the different proteins of the BER pathway and their interaction, proteins being represented by different symbols. The heatmap of the log2foldchange shows of the level of expression of BER genes change compared to the expression level in the controls. The color is not white when the gene is significantly (FDR < 0.01 with both DESeq2 and EdgeR) over- (log2foldchange > 0.5 in green) or under-expressed (log2foldchange <  − 0.5 in orange or red). Genes potentially involved in this pathway are indicated in the bottom of the figure. The investigated conditions are as follows: individuals entering desiccation (gray), after 14 days desiccation and 1.5 h rehydration (yellow), after desiccation and X-ray radiation (orange), after desiccation and Fe radiation (purple), and after X-ray radiation without desiccation (blue). The investigated time points are represented as follows: 0 h (triangles), 1.5 or 2.5 h (circles), 8 h (squares), 24 h (pentagons). Heatmap of transcripts per millions (TPMs) for each gene is represented on the right side and with a different color code representing the level of expression. The gene IDs coding for the different kinds of BER genes are written next to the TPMs, and horizontal transfer genes (HGT) are represented by the violet stars. C Heatmap representing the level of expression (TPMs) of 6 genes coding for proteins involved in DNA repair pathways (BER, MR, DDR-related) showing constitutive high expression (TPMs > 150) in all conditions. D Heatmap representing the level of expression (TPMs) of 15 additional genes coding for proteins involved in DNA repair which have a high gene expression level after radiation and desiccation

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